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Class PiecewiseFunction

Defined in: Piecewise.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
PiecewiseFunction(functs, ranges)
Object representing mathematical piecewise functions
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
<static> <constant>
A static constant to help with de/serialization
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Given a list of points generates a piece-wise spline function of the first degree.
createSecondDegSpline(points, zzero)
Given a list of points generates a piece-wise spline function of the second degree.
Creates a Natural Cubic Spline given a series of points
Reconstitutes a PiecewiseFunction object and its data members after passed to web worker
Generate points for SVG paths/curves
Applies the function on the value and returns the result
Creates a simple string representation of the piecewise function
Prepares an Object ready to be passed to a web worker
Class Detail
PiecewiseFunction(functs, ranges)
Object representing mathematical piecewise functions
{Resolveable[]} functs
An array of objects implementing the resolve method
{Range[]} ranges
An array of Range objects for each of the functs provided
Field Detail
<static> <constant> PiecewiseFunction.serializeName
A static constant to help with de/serialization
Method Detail
{PiecewiseFunction} createFirstDegSpline(points)
Given a list of points generates a piece-wise spline function of the first degree.

	Roughly based on Page 374
	test code:
	var Q = [new Point(0,8),new Point(1,12),new Point(3,2),new Point(4,6),new Point(8,0)];
	var Y = [new Point(0,8),new Point(1,6),new Point(3,5),new Point(4,3),new Point(6,2),new Point(8,0)];
	ourGraph.points = Y;
	var yspline = createFirstDegSpline(Y);
{Point[]} points
An array of point objects sorted by x-value
{PiecewiseFunction} The linear spline interpolation

{PiecewiseFunction} createSecondDegSpline(points, zzero)
Given a list of points generates a piece-wise spline function of the second degree.

	Roughly based on Page 380
	test code:
	var Q = [new Point(0,8),new Point(1,12),new Point(3,2),new Point(4,6),new Point(8,0)];
	var Y = [new Point(0,8),new Point(1,6),new Point(3,5),new Point(4,3),new Point(6,2),new Point(8,0)];
	var Z = [new Point(-1,2),new Point(0,1),new Point(0.5,0),new Point(1,1),new Point(2,2),new Point(5/2.0,3)];
	ourGraph.points = Z;
	var yspline = createSecondDegSpline(Z);
{Point[]} points
An array of point objects sorted by x-value
{Double} zzero
0 by default, otherwise the slope of the second derivative of the initial function
{PiecewiseFunction} The quadratic spline interpolation

{PiecewiseFunction} createThirdDegSpline(points)
Creates a Natural Cubic Spline given a series of points
Author: Sahil Diwan.
{Point[]} points
An array of points to interpolate
{PiecewiseFunction} A piecewise function using polynomials of degree three IMPLEMENTED algorithm on page 392

<static> PiecewiseFunction.fromWebWorker(that)
Reconstitutes a PiecewiseFunction object and its data members after passed to web worker
{Object} that
A PiecewiseFunction strippd of its methods

{Point[]} generateBezierPaths()
Generate points for SVG paths/curves
{Point[]} Path control points in order

{Double} resolve(value)
Applies the function on the value and returns the result
{Double} value
The value to be used in the function
{Double} The result

{string} toString()
Creates a simple string representation of the piecewise function
{string} The string representation

{Object} toWebWorker()
Prepares an Object ready to be passed to a web worker

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Fri Jul 19 2013 13:20:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)